This absolutely rocks!! I'm absolutely honored to be user of the day on this beautiful website, and I'll do my best to keep making awesome stuff for you dudes!
In celebration, here's some sneak peaks on my current game projects!
In this game you play as the lovely Venus, where your goal is to find people of similar tastes and match them together! It's a simple little game with some dudes walking around and a special lady to drop some love onto them! No spoilers BUT there are currently plans to have a very cool artist working on the game, more details on that later. Pictured above is programmer art from the current build.
Untitled Forest Game
Prepare for something a little spookier than usual. Can't say much about much about this game right now other than it's my current main priority. Hope you're ready for a scare!
Something Outside
Woah, another big project?? This is one I've been working on for a good while now, and I intend for it to be my first game release on steam! This one is also a horror game (funny enough I started it way before the last one) and it will hopefully be out before the end of the year! There's still a ton to be done, but just know you can pet the cat!
Lake of Love
This is the big one. This project is one I've been dreaming about for ages now, and I've been working hard to make it a reality! Funny enough it was supposed to be a prequal to another game I wanted to make, but since it's coming out first I don't think it can be called that lmao (more on that game later). The game takes place on a little island in an alien world where you play as Dale, an enthusiastic fisherman / researcher, who has just met his dream girl and is doing everything he can to win her over. On this island there's a tradition where you MUST buy the person you are courting a gift before you can take them out on a date, so Dale's gotta fish his way into her heart by selling those fish for big bucks. Most of the art is being done by me, BUT I have gotten that absolutely wonderful Silvermations to create the art for the romance segments!! (Go check her out she's awesome) Hope you like fishing minigames too, as one of the big things is that you can choose from a selection of different minigames to play when you catch a fish! This is a project I'm very excited about and I can't wait to share it with everyone!!
Dale, the fisherman loverboy
Estrella, the coolest gal on the island
Okay okay those last ones where the big projects that will most likely get done, so here's the segment where I show some stuff that are on the table but not guaranteed.
Pictures is a game called 52 Card Nightmare, it's a game where you gotta play 52 card pickup in an evil maze filled with stuff trying to kill you
This here is an untitled whale game I worked on for a while, it would be a semi-realistic whale simulator. Whale model by @perezangelito on twitter.
This one is called Milkdromeda, it's a little Space Invaders-like where you play as a cow trying to save your cow friends from abduction. Pixel art by Fish125
That's all for now! Once again thank you for everyone who worked on games with me, followed me, played my cool games, I def wouldn't be where I am without all of you, so thank you!!
Congrats on user of the day!
Thank you!!